Full Name: Katia Devry
Nickname(s): Kat, Tia
Title/Job: Head of the Devry Clan
Home: Anova, Asmiara
Accent: Like Irish
Species: Witch
Marital Status: Long Term Relationship with Kallai Lehrer
Height: 5'5
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: blue
Birthday: February 4
Hoping that she would be passed by for her older sister, Kaleigh as clan head her hopes were crushed when Kaleigh failed her leadership test making everyone look towards her. She however passed her test cementing the idea that someday she would take her father's place a plan she seemed to reject from the beginning.
humans. She often went to talk to them and befriended many along the way. When Alex Lavoie showed interest, in marrying her, she spurned his affecting and to the surprise of her family and friends, she left the clans to go live among the humans.
Katia only wanted a normal life. She wanted to get away from a society that she found to be backstabbing and at times cruel. She later met the man who would become her best friend the fallen angel Dimtri, who she found one day without any memories of his past. The two of them became good friends as she helped him to recover his past.
She declared him her brother and even gave him the name Dimitri Vesela naming him with one of the witch clans names, vowing to help him remember who he was no matter what. However, it would be because he stumbled upon his old love, Elisabeth that his memories would return. He would remember how he broke God's rules to save Elisabeth and they were cast apart both forgetting who they were till reunited once again. Through he knows his true name he still goes by the one that was given to him.
Alex was reunited with an old love only to have her vanish as he started an affair with a young woman who would give him twins., The two of them are close to one another as friends despite their past which includes a child that died before before being born into the world.
As time moved on she began spending more of her time divided among humans and her people hoping to take the good in both and create change. Her father passed away and much to many people's surprise she took the clean leadship. She is trying to do her best to blend her wants with the best interest of her clan. And she found a new love with a hotheaded dragon named Kallai whom she has a child with.