
The life my family wanted for me wasn't the same that I wanted for myself. I suppose that everyone can say that at some point in time. Or maybe that is just my own personal thoughts on the matter. I grew up in a family of witches. Power meant everything and one did whatever it took to achieve that power. I was the shining star of my family for so many reasons. Perhaps, it was because everything came easy to me. I was there hope. The best chance they had of moving up in the world.

 However, I wanted no part of it. I hated the games, the politics, the backstabbing, which is some ways is just another way to say politics. And most of all I disliked the idea that someone else would plan out my life. The arranged marriage to Alexandre was the last straw. I wanted to marry for love. Not because it would increase my clans power. The more power people have the more they seem to think they can rule the world. Take Alex for example, he seems to think the world is his plaything. I must admit that he is rather cute, even if completely insane. I wanted my daughter more than anything else, even if it was also his. I lost her and it devasted me. 

Perhaps, in ways I would never truly understand. I find it funny though. All my life I have been apart of a family and yet I never fit in. It wasn't until I found Dimi that I actually felt like I had a sibliing. My sister and I were never close. She saw me as the obstacle to pretty much everything she wanted. But, Dimi it was different. I found him in the snow and took him home. He had no memory of who he was. However, it didn't matter. 

He was all those things that my family was not. He cared about others. He wanted to protect people. He didn't seek power. I call him my brother which in many ways he is. Even, if we are not related by blood. I discovered that sometimes family is what you make, not that which you are born in. Don't get me wrong I love my real family very much, how could I not. It is just for the first time in my new home, I feel as if I belong.